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Please fill out completely and fax or mail back. This form is extremely important. Your accuracy and completeness in responding will help me best represent you. All sections and information must be filled out prior to sitting down with the attorney.
Please be sure to check all appropriate boxes. If NONE, please state NONE.
If NOT APPLICABLE, please state N/A.
1. Your Full Name:
First Last
2. IF MARRIED OR SEPARATED, complete (a) and (b) below:
(a) Spouses Full Name:
First Last
3. Your Street Address: ____________________________________
City ____________________ State ____ Zip Code ______________
4. Telephone Numbers:
Cell: _____________________________________ ________________________
Day: ____________________/Night: ________________________
5. E-mail address: _______________________________________
6. Referred By: _________________________ 7. Todays Date ____________
If referred by a person, is this a client or attorney? __________________________________
We recommend a Durable Power of Attorney in the event of your physical or mental disability to help you with financial affairs? Yes ________ No ________
We recommend a Living Will telling hospitals and doctors not to prolong your life by artificial means, i.e. Terri Schiavo; Karen Quinlan? Yes ________ No _____
How can we help you? What are your questions/other important info?
[It is required by New Jersey Court Rules that all pages be filled out prior to seeing the attorney]
8. Your Sex: [ ] Male [ ] Female
9. Your Marital Status: [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Separated [ ] Divorced [ ] Widowed
10. Your Date of Birth: ___________________ SS # __________________
Month Day Year
11. Spouse Date of Birth: _________________ SS # __________________
Month Day Year
12. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a minor child or minor children, please check here. [ ]
The person charged with administering/Probating your estate, paying taxes and/or other debts, preserving, managing, and distributing estate assets and property is called an Executor. This person should be one in whom you have trust and confidence. Your SPOUSE is usually named as primary Executor, followed by the child who lives closest to your home.
Please provide the following information about the person you wish to name to serve in this capacity.
1. PRIMARY Choice of Executor/Personal Representative:
Name: _______________________ _______________________
First Last
Relationship: _______________ Address: ____________________
2. SECOND Choice of Executor:
This individual will serve in the event that the primary executor/personal representative is not alive at the time of your death, or is unable to serve.
Full Name: ___________________________ _________________
First Last
Relationship: _______________ Address: ____________________
The two proposed Executors must be filled out prior to meeting the attorney. We do not recommend Joint Executors, which often cause conflicts and additional work for the Estate. It is best to select one primary person, then a secondary person.
Asset Information- Must Be Completed - If none, write none
House/Real Estate Address _________________________________________________
Estimate Total Real Estate Value: _____________ Approx mortgage ________________
Bank Accounts, Stocks, CDs and Assets: _______________________________________
Approximate Amount _______________________________________________________
Beneficiaries of Bank Accounts (if none write none) ______________________________
Other Major Assets (if none, write none): _______________________________________
Approximate Life Insurance: _________________ Beneficiary ____________________
In the Will- Who do you want to get your assets:
Beneficiary (1) _______________________ Relationship _______________
Beneficiary (2) _______________________ Relationship _______________
Beneficiary (3) _______________________ Relationship _______________
Any Specific Bequests of Money and Property:
2053 Woodbridge Ave.
Edison, NJ 08817
(Phone) 732-572-0500
(Fax) 732-572-0030